The Science of Sound

Trafford Middle School music teacher Mrs. Renee Rumbaugh obtained funding from the Penn-Trafford Community Education Foundation for a project called ‘The Science of Sound.’

The project, which captivated Rumbaugh’s sixth-grade students, demonstrated how science, engineering, math, and music work together.  Students investigated topics about sound creation, musical notes, how various musical instruments work, the engineering processes used to create live music, and the math associated with manipulating and assembling materials. 

Students were asked to study several types of musical instruments and consider how they could be created using everyday products.  “It was so exciting to observe the students at work, especially when they got creative and ventured into an entirely new musical instrument,” said Rumbaugh.  “This was a highly student-centered, engaging project and I look forward to incorporating it into my general music classroom each semester to see what instruments they create in the future.”


Trafford Middle School sixth-graders assemble their instruments

Trafford Middle School sixth-graders assemble their instruments


Sixth-grader Ariya Wilson tests her instrument

Sixth-grader Ariya Wilson tests her instrument


Trafford Middle School sixth-graders assemble their instruments

Trafford Middle School sixth-graders assemble their instruments


Sixth Grade Student, Mason Wyke, tries out his completed hand drum

Sixth Grade Student, Mason Wyke, tries out his completed hand drum